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Avis a la batellerie Pays-Bas

TR: [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas] 20230119_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 19-01-2023

De : noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl <noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl>
Envoyé : jeudi 19 janvier 2023 12:00
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas]
20230119_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 19-01-2023

Voor schade en/of ongemak van onjuistheid of onvolledigheid in deze
berichtgeving kan door Rijkswaterstaat geen verantwoordelijkheid worden



Toeleidingskanaal Oosterhornhaven – Oosterhornhaven; announcement; special
In connection with radiobereik the following applies:
– Special caution Weiwerderbrug N991
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 until further notice
– Special caution Heemskesbrug
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 until further notice
Oude marifoonkanaal vhf 84 blijft tot nader bericht van kracht.
(Groningen , Inspectie Scheepvaart , 18-01-2023)


Van Harinxmakanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Spoorbrug HRMK
· Wednesday 18 January 18:58 until Thursday 19 January 2023 09:30
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , Pro Rail , 19-01-2023)

Nieuwe Heerenveense Kanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Jousterbrug
· Wednesday 1 February 2023
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 19-01-2023)


Meppelerdiep; announcement; blockage
In connection with high water the following applies:
– Blockage Meppelerdiepsluis
· Wednesday 18 January 22:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 06:00
(Oost Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 18-01-2023)


Pannerdensch Kanaal; informatieservice; no limitation
In connection with gewijzigde markering the following applies:
– No limitation Pannerdensch Kanaal
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 until further notice
Een bekendmaking betreffende verlegde markering Pannerdensekanaal is te
downloaden via
(Oost Nederland , District Zuid , 2023/017 , 18-01-2023)


Den Oever, Binnenhaven te – Den Oever, Voorhaven te; notice withdrawn;
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Stevinsluis
· Tuesday 17 January 22:00 until Wednesday 18 January 2023 01:00
· Wednesday 18 January 22:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 00:25
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , 2022/02 , 19-01-2023)

IJsselmeer – Vaarwater langs Nieuwe Zeug; announcement; no limitation
In connection with nieuw object the following applies:
– No limitation nabij spuisluizen Kornwerderzand
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 until further notice
Nabij de spuigroepen van Kornwerderzand zijn twee gele golfmeetboeien (Ø 40
cm, h 20 cm) geplaatst buiten de vaarweg en verankerd met een zinkende lijn.
– Positie boei 1: Lat 53.071400° Lon 5.330690°
– Positie boei 2: Lat 53.060100° Lon 5.313040°
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , 2023/3 , 18-01-2023)


Hoge Vaart; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Zuidersluis Almere
· Tuesday 17 January 20:00 until Wednesday 18 January 2023 18:40
(Flevoland , 19-01-2023)

Vossemeer; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Roggebotsluis
· Thursday 19 January 2023 06:00 until 08:40
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 19-01-2023)


Haven van Rijswijk – Rijn-Schiekanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Haven van Rijswijk tot Steenplaetsbrug
· Friday 27 January 06:00 until Monday 6 February 2023 06:00
– Blockage kmr 25.4 tot kmr 28.4
· Monday 30 January 06:00 until Monday 6 February 2023 06:00
– information vHF 18, BC Leidschendam
– information vHF 18, BC Steekterpoort
– information vHF 22, BC de Waard
– information telephone 0703207071, BC Leidschendam
– information telephone 0704417500, BC Steekterpoort
– information telephone 0715227124, BC de Waard
(Zuid-Holland , 18-01-2023)

Boven-Merwede; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Merwedebrug Gorinchem
· Wednesday 18 January 20:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 05:00
(West Nederland Zuid , District Zuid , RVC , 18-01-2023)

Oude Maas; announcement; no limitation
In connection with radiobereik the following applies:
– No limitation kmr 993.0 tot 998.2, Sector Heerjansdam
· Monday 16 January 2023 21:15 until further notice
Sector Heerjansdam kampt momenteel met verminderd radiobereik/ontvangst VHF4

(West Nederland Zuid , District Zuid , RVC , 18-01-2023)

Gouwe; announcement; no service
In connection with event the following applies:
– No service Hefbrug
· Saturday 18 February 2023 14:00 until 16:00
(Zuid-Holland , 18-01-2023)

Nieuwe Maas; announcement; special caution
In connection with work the following applies:
– Special caution kmr 1009.8, oostkop Vulcaanhaven
· Thursday 19 January until Thursday 9 February 2023 Monday to Friday
07:00 until 18:00
De scheepvaart dient de werkzaamheden met bijzondere voorzichtigheid te
passeren en golfslag te vermijden.
– information vHF 11, HCC
– information telephone 010-2521000, HCC
(Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV , 015/2023 , 18-01-2023)


Wilhelminakanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage sluis II
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 09:00 until 11:00
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 13:00 until 15:00
(Zuid Nederland , District West , BC Tilburg , 18-01-2023)

Zuid-Willemsvaart; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis 6
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 22:44 until 23:50
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BC Tilburg , 18-01-2023)

Wilhelminakanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug Hooijdonk
· Thursday 19 January 2023 06:51 until 09:35
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BCT , 19-01-2023)

Wilhelminakanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Trappistenbrug
· Thursday 19 January 2023 07:09 until 09:35
(Zuid Nederland , District West , BCT , 19-01-2023)


Omleiding te Helmond, Zuid-Willemsvaart; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage sluis Helmond
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 08:00 until 12:00
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 13:00 until 15:00
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , 19-01-2023)

Julianakanaal; announcement; delay
In connection with work the following applies:
– Delay 2 h Waterkering Limmel
· Wednesday 25 January 2023 15:00 until 20:00
· Wednesday 5 April 2023 15:00 until 20:00
· Wednesday 5 July 2023 15:00 until 20:00
· Wednesday 4 October 2023 15:00 until 20:00
– de scheepvaart dient rekening te houden met een stremming maximaal 2 uur
in deze tijdvakken.
* Reserve datums:
– Woensdag 19 april 2023
– Woensdag 19 juli 2023
– Woensdag 18 oktober 2023
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , 18-01-2023)

Zuid-Willemsvaart; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Stadsbrug, Weert
· Thursday 19 January 2023 09:00 until 10:33
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , BCT , 19-01-2023)


De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00082.2
Gemeenschappelijke Maas; announcement; blockage
In connection with high water the following applies:
– Blockage all directions pleasurecraft km 56.6 tot km 63,4
· Friday 13 January 12:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 23:59
Wegens verhoogde debieten en waterstanden geldt er op de Gemeenschappelijke
Maas een verbod op plezier- en recreatievaart van km 56.6 tot km 63,4
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)


De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2022.02370.3
Kanaal Gent-Terneuzen; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Meulestedebrug
· Thursday 1 December 2022 until Tuesday 31 January 2023 Monday to Friday
07:00 until 08:30
· Thursday 1 December 2022 until Tuesday 31 January 2023 Monday to Friday
13:45 until 14:15
· Thursday 1 December 2022 until Tuesday 31 January 2023 Monday to Friday
17:00 until 18:00
De spertijd van de Meulestedebrug wordt 's ochtends met een half uur
uitgebreid en loopt nu van 7:00 tot 8:30.
De spertijd over de middag blijft behouden.
De Meulestedebrug wordt bijkomend op werkdagen niet bediend tussen 17:00 en
De regeling voor het onderdoorvaren blijft volgens het scheepvaartbericht
2022/2355/00 geregeld: enkel op aanvraag.
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00107.1
Albertkanaal; announcement; blockage
– Blockage kmr 125.0 tot 125.7
· Thursday 19 January 2023 09:00 until 12:00
· Thursday 19 January 2023 13:00 until 15:00
ponton dwars afgemeerd voor het op- en afrijden van een kraan
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00121.1
Kanaal Briegden-Neerharen; notice withdrawn; blockage
– Blockage sluis Lanaken
· Tuesday 17 January 16:00 until Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:52
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00127.1
Kanaal Roeselare-Leie; notice withdrawn; blockage
– Blockage Sluizen te Ooigem
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 11:15 until 12:21
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00132.0
Albertkanaal; announcement; blockage
– Blockage Genk noordersas
· Thursday 19 January 2023 07:30 until 12:00
Werkzaamheden aan de kaaimuur noordersas afwaartse zijde.
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00133.0
Doortocht Gent; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Bataviabrug
· Thursday 16 February 2023 09:00 until 13:00
Onderdoorvaart mogelijk!
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00135.0
Doortocht Gent; announcement; blockage
– Blockage Bataviabrug
· Wednesday 18 January 19:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 07:00
Door het vriesweer is de Bataviabrug gestremd
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00136.0
Kanaal Bocholt-Herentals; announcement; no service
– No service Sluis 8 Geel
· Thursday 19 January 2023 05:45 until 06:15
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2023.00137.1
Ringvaart om Gent; announcement; blockage
In connection with floating material the following applies:
– Blockage Grote sluis te Evergem kolk
· Thursday 19 January 2023 09:00 until 11:00
Wegens het ruimen van drijfvuil is de grote sluis te Evergem gestremd
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)


Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2022.00474.8
Rhein-Herne-Kanal; blockage; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Oberhausen Nordkammer
· Monday 8 August 2022 06:00 until Friday 3 February 2023 15:00
Wegen Instandsetzungsarbeiten an der Schleuse Oberhausen ist die Nordkammer
vom Montag den, 08.08.2022 bis Freitag den, 03.02.2023 für die Schifffahrt
– information internet
(WSA Westdeutsche Kanäle)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2023.00015.3
Elbe-Havel-Kanal; notice withdrawn; partial obstruction
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Partial obstruction sluis Wusterwitz
· Tuesday 3 January 12:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 10:32
– Available depth sluis Wusterwitz
· Tuesday 3 January 12:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 10:32
bis auf Widerruf – Ausfall der Südkammer der Schleuse Wusterwitz (neue
Kammer); bei Schiffsbreiten größer als 10,50m verringert sich die max.
Abladetiefe von 2,50m entsprechend der SPA MD01/2022
(WSA Spree-Havel)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2023.00079.1
Saar; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with high water the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 72.6-94.0
· Tuesday 17 January 08:00 until Wednesday 18 January 2023 15:17
Nach Ablauf der HW-Welle vom vergangenen Wochenende und Unterschreitung der
HSW‘e in den Stauhaltungen Güdingen und Saarbrücken bleiben diese bis zur
abgeschlossenen Treibzeugräumung und Verkehrssicherung bis auf Weiteres
(WSA Mosel-Saar-Lahn)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2023.00080.2
Spree-Oder-Wasserstraße; blockage; blockage
In connection with under water works the following applies:
– Blockage Spree-Oder-Wasserstraße
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 09:00 until 12:39
Sperrung aufgehoben
(WSA Spree-Havel)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2023.00083.1
Elbe-Havel-Kanal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with others the following applies:
– Blockage Zerben (Südkammer)
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 06:00 until 12:53
Ausfall der Steuerung der Südkammer Zerben (neue Kammer) bis auf Widerruf.
Anweisungen des Schleusenpersonals sind zu beachten.
(WSA Spree-Havel)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2023.00086.1
Obere Havel-Wasserstraße; blockage; blockage
In connection with building work the following applies:
– Blockage sluis Steinhavel
· Monday 17 April 00:00 until Friday 28 April 2023 23:59
SPA 4/2023

Sperrung der Schleuse Steinhavel aufgrund dringender Unterhaltungsarbeiten
– information internet
(WSA Oder-Havel)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2023.00087.1
Pareyer Verbindungskanal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage sluis Parey
· Wednesday 18 January 14:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 10:38
Sperrung der Schleuse Parey. Ausfall des Stemmtores, bis auf Widerruf.
(WSA Spree-Havel)


Algemeen Frankrijk

Algemeen Frankrijk; announcement; blockage
In connection with strike the following applies:
– Blockage Diverse objecten Frankrijk
· Thursday 19 January 2023
(VWM , Waterkamer , 19-01-2023)

Nord Pas de Calais

Canal de Bourbourg; announcement; blockage
In connection with high water the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 0-14
· Monday 16 January 2023 10:40 until further notice
(Nord Pas de Calais , UTI Flandres-Lys , 2023/00253 , 19-01-2023)

Canal de la Deûle; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage sluis Don
· Wednesday 18 January 2023 09:15 until 10:00
(Nord Pas de Calais , UTI Deule-Scarpe , 2023/00321 , 19-01-2023)

Canal de la Sensée; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 2 Goeulzin 90M
· Monday 23 January 2023 13:30 until 16:00
(Nord Pas de Calais , UTI Deule-Scarpe , 2023/00329 , 19-01-2023)

Canal de la Sensée; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 2 Goeulzin small
· Friday 20 January 2023 08:00 until 12:00
(Nord Pas de Calais , UTI Deule-Scarpe , 00385/00328 , 19-01-2023)


Canal de la Meuse; announcement; blockage
In connection with high water the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 58 Trois Fontaines tot kmr 2.7
· Sunday 15 January 10:00 until Wednesday 18 January 2023 15:00
(Nord-Est , UTI Meuse Ardennes , 2023/00335 , 19-01-2023)

Centre Bourgogne

Canal du Nivernais; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with calamity the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 50 Basseville tot sluis 45 Armes
· Wednesday 18 January 14:00 until Thursday 19 January 2023 22:00
(Centre Bourgogne , – , 2023/00336 , 19-01-2023)

Water Management Centre the Netherlands, Water Office

For more information visit <www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/>
www.vaarweginformatie.nl or call Rijkswaterstaat’s information line on phone
number +31 (0)800-8002 (seven days a week, monday till friday from
07:00-20:00 and saturday, sunday and holidays from 10:00 – 18:30).
You can also submit your question, complaint or idea to us by e-mail by
<www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/#/frp/main/page/contact> this

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