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Avis a la batellerie Pays-Bas

TR: [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas] 20240522_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 22-05-2024

De : noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl <noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl>
Envoyé : mercredi 22 mai 2024 12:23
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas]
20240522_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 22-05-2024

Voor schade en/of ongemak van onjuistheid of onvolledigheid in deze
berichtgeving kan door Rijkswaterstaat geen verantwoordelijkheid worden


Algemeen Nederland

Algemeen Nederland; notice withdrawn; special caution
In connection with others the following applies:
– Special caution Centrale Meldpost IJsselmeer
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:00 until 15:30
De CMIJ is weer bereikbaar.
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 21-05-2024)


Van Starkenborghkanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug Eibersburen
· Saturday 18 May 08:30 until Tuesday 21 May 2024 13:20
(Noord Nederland , District Oost , 076 , 21-05-2024)

Winschoterdiep; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Lage Euvelgunnerbrug
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:09 until 13:45
(Groningen , Inspectie Scheepvaart , 21-05-2024)

Winschoterdiep; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Duinkerkenbrug
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 06:31 until further notice
(Groningen , Inspectie Scheepvaart , prov. Groningen , 22-05-2024)


Prinses Margrietkanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Doorvaartopening 2 (vast) brug Kootstertille
· Thursday 22 August 06:00 until Sunday 1 September 2024 23:00
– No service Doorvaartopening 2 (vast) brug Kootstertille
· Thursday 22 August 06:00 until Sunday 1 September 2024 23:00
– Special caution Doorvaartopening 2 (vast) brug Kootstertille
· Thursday 22 August 06:00 until Sunday 1 September 2024 23:00
Ponton in vaste doorvaartopening.
Doorvaarthoogte beweegbare doorvaartopening is 7,15 m bij kanaalpeil.
Scheepvaartbegeleiding aanwezig.
– information vHF 10
(Noord Nederland , District West , 2024/077 , 21-05-2024)

Scharsterrijn of Nieuwe Rijn; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with calamity the following applies:
– No service Scharsterrijnbrug
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:45 until 18:15
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , CMIJ , 21-05-2024)

Wiersylsterrak; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Wierstersyl
· Tuesday 28 until Thursday 30 May 2024
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 22-05-2024)


Voorhaven Sluis Weurt, Maas-Waalkanaal; announcement; changed service
– Changed service Brug oostkolk Weurt
· Wednesday 22 November 2023 07:43 until further notice
Bediening brug oostkolk Weurt op afroep.
45 min vooraf aanmelden bij operator.
(Oost Nederland , District Zuid , 22-05-2024)

Voorhaven Sluis Weurt, Maas-Waalkanaal – Maas-Waalkanaal; announcement;
changed service
In connection with work the following applies:
– Changed service brug westkolk Weurt
· Wednesday 10 April 2024 until further notice
Bediening brug westkolk Weurt op afroep.
45 min vooraf aanmelden bij operator.
(Oost Nederland , District Zuid , 22-05-2024)

Geldersche IJssel; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service IJsselspoorbrug Zutphen
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:55 until 16:00
(Oost Nederland , District Oost , PRORAIL , 21-05-2024)

Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Amerongen, Neder-Rijn; informatieservice; no
In connection with gewijzigde markering the following applies:
– No limitation Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Amerongen, Neder-Rijn
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 until further notice
Een bekendmaking betreffende opnemen markering stuw Amerongen is te
downloaden via
(Oost Nederland , District Zuid , 2024/312 , 21-05-2024)


Vaarweg van Enkhuizen naar Den Oever; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with calamity the following applies:
– No service Bruggen in de A7 Den Oever
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 19:05 until 20:05
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 21-05-2024)

Kornwerderzand, Buitenhaven te – Kornwerderzand, Voorhaven te; notice
withdrawn; no service
In connection with calamity the following applies:
– No service Bruggen in de A7 Kornwerderzand
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 19:05 until 20:05
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 21-05-2024)


Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Driel, Neder-Rijn – Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te
Amerongen, Neder-Rijn – Benedenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Hagestein, Lek;
announcement; special caution
– Special caution Stuw Driel
· Monday 20 May 2024 09:30 until further notice
– Special caution Stuw Amerongen
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:10 until further notice
– Special caution Stuw Hagestein
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 12:10 until further notice
Stuwen zijn geopend voor de scheepvaart.
– Minste vaardiepte ARK-Hagestein is 350 cm, bij een waterstand Culemborg
van + 330 cm NAP.
– De minste vaardiepte sluiskanaal Hagestein boven is 350 cm, bij een
waterstand Hagestein-boven van + 300 cm NAP.
– Minste waterdiepte sluiskanaal Amerongen boven is 350cm bij een waterstand
Amerongen boven van +500cm NAP.
(Oost Nederland , District Zuid , VPN , 22-05-2024)

Vecht; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage thv Breukelen
· Sunday 8 September 2024 11:00 until 13:15
· Sunday 8 September 2024 13:45 until 18:00
(Waternet , WS Amstel, Gooi en Vecht , 21-05-2024)

Voorhavens Sluiscomplex Hagestein, Lek – Lek; informatieservice; no
In connection with gewijzigde markering the following applies:
– No limitation stuw Hagestein
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 until further notice
Een bekendmaking betreffende opnemen markering stuw Hagestein is te
downloaden via
(Oost Nederland , District Zuid , 2024/311 , 21-05-2024)

Merwedekanaal (benoorden de Lek); notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Koninginnensluis
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 09:15 until 11:15
(Midden Nederland , District Zuid , VP Wijk , 22-05-2024)


Ringvaart van de Haarlemmermeerpolder (westelijk gedeelte); announcement;
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Cruquiusbrug
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 07:00 until 12:00
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 13:00 until 17:00
· Thursday 23 May 2024 07:00 until 17:00
· Friday 24 May 2024 07:00 until 12:00
· Friday 24 May 2024 13:00 until 17:00
· Monday 27 until Friday 31 May 2024 Monday to Friday 07:00 until 17:00
· Monday 3 until Friday 7 June 2024 Monday to Friday 07:00 until 12:00
· Monday 3 until Friday 7 June 2024 Monday to Friday 13:00 until 17:00
– Clearance width maximum 800 cm Cruquiusbrug
· Monday 1 January 2024 until Wednesday 26 March 2025
– No service Cruquiusbrug
· Friday 28 June 2024 07:00 until 11:00
1 week stremming eind september 2024.
(Noord-Holland , 22-05-2024)

Noordhollandsch Kanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Leeghwaterbrug Alkmaar
· Thursday 23 May 20:00 until Friday 24 May 2024 05:00
· Friday 24 May 20:00 until Monday 27 May 2024 05:00
· Thursday 13 June 20:00 until Friday 14 June 2024 05:00
· Friday 14 June 20:00 until Monday 17 June 2024 05:00
Uitzondering t.a.v. bediening (binnen reguliere bedientijden) tijdig
aanvragen via tel : 0881110411
Zaterdag 25 mei 2024 18:00 tot 19:00.
Zondag 26 mei 18:00 tot maandag 27 mei 2024 05:00
Maandag 27 mei 20:00 tot dinsdag 28 mei 2024 05:00
Zaterdag 15 juni 2024 05:00 tot 06:00.
Zaterdag 15 juni 2024 17:30 tot 19:00.
Zondag 16 juni 16:00 tot maandag 17 juni 2024 05:00
Maandag 17 juni 20:00 tot dinsdag 18 juni 2024 05:00
(Noord-Holland , 21-05-2024)

Ringvaart van de Haarlemmermeerpolder (oostelijk deel); notice withdrawn; no
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Leimuiderbrug
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 15:28 until 16:32
(Noord-Holland , 22-05-2024)

Amstel; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Magere Brug (Brug 242)
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 20:56 until further notice
(Waternet , WS Amstel, Gooi en Vecht , 22-05-2024)


Schiedamsche Schie; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Trambrug Schiedam
· Tuesday 21 May 10:30 until Wednesday 22 May 2024 09:35
– information vHF 22, havendienst Schiedam
– information telephone 0106315300, havendienst Schiedam
(Schiedam , 22-05-2024)

Scheepvaartkanaal en Voedingskanaal – Oude Maas; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Zoetwaterkanaalbrug
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:39 until further notice
– No service Spijkenisserbrug
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:39 until 15:22
– information vHF 11, HCC
– information telephone 010-2521000, HCC
(Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV , 21-05-2024)

Otterkanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Ottersluis
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 09:55 until further notice
(West Nederland Zuid , District Zuid , VP Dordrecht , 22-05-2024)


Kanaal door Walcheren; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Grote kolk sluis Vlissingen
· Monday 27 May 02:50 until Thursday 30 May 2024 17:00
– Changed service Grote kolk sluis Vlissingen
· Tuesday 2 May 17:00 until Saturday 27 May 2023 02:50
– Clearance width maximum 14 m Grote kolk sluis Vlissingen
· Tuesday 2 May 2023 17:00 until Wednesday 22 May 2024 10:30
Extra informatie en verwachte schuttijden:
– information vHF 18, Nautische Centrale Vlissingen
– information telephone 0628904021, NC Vlissingen
(Zeeland , 2024/04A , 22-05-2024)

Voorhavens Kreekraksluizen, Schelde-Rijnverbinding; notice withdrawn;
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Westkolk Kreekraksluis
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 15:10 until 15:55
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Topshuis , 21-05-2024)

Duwvaartsluizen Krammer; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Krammersluizen south
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 16:50 until 20:25
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , 22-05-2024)


Voorhavens Volkeraksluizen; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Oostkolk Volkeraksluizen
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 09:05 until 12:20
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Topshuis , 21-05-2024)

Roode Vaart-Noord; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Roode Vaartbrug
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 10:32 until further notice
(Brabantse Delta , 22-05-2024)


Zuid-Willemsvaart; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis 13
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 10:40 until 12:12
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BC Tilburg , 21-05-2024)

Maas; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Roermond
· Tuesday 21 May 2024 14:00 until 15:10
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , BC Maasbracht , 21-05-2024)

Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Roermond; informatieservice; no limitation
In connection with gewijzigde markering the following applies:
– No limitation Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Roermond
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 until further notice
Een bekendmaking betreffende opnemen markering stuw Roermond is te
downloaden via
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , 2024/314 , 22-05-2024)

Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Belfeld; informatieservice; no limitation
In connection with gewijzigde markering the following applies:
– No limitation Bovenstrooms Stuwkanaal te Belfeld
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 until further notice
Een bekendmaking betreffende opnemen markering stuw Belfeld is te downloaden
via www.vaarweginformatie.nl/fdd/main/download?fileId=3945017089
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , 2024/315 , 22-05-2024)


Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01078.2
Müritz-Elde-Wasserstraße; announcement; partial obstruction
In connection with limitations the following applies:
– Partial obstruction Bobzin
· Monday 13 May 18:00 until Friday 31 May 2024 19:00
Aufgrund technischer Probleme an der Schleuse Bobzin kann die letzte
Anforderung der Schleuse jeweils nur bis 18.00 Uhr erfolgen
(WSA Elbe)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01166.1
Untere Havel-Wasserstraße (Spandau – Plaue) – Flussstrecke Potsdamer Havel;
announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 16 tot 16.5
· Friday 12 July 20:00 until Saturday 13 July 2024 23:00
– Blockage kmr 28.5
· Friday 12 July 20:00 until Saturday 13 July 2024 23:00
Aufgrund einer Veranstaltung kommt es am 12./13.07. zur kurzeitigen
(WSA Spree-Havel)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01167.0
Untere Havel-Wasserstraße (Spandau – Plaue) – Flussstrecke Potsdamer Havel;
announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 16.0 tot 16.5
· Friday 9 August 20:00 until Saturday 10 August 2024 23:00
– Blockage kmr 28
· Friday 9 August 20:00 until Saturday 10 August 2024 23:00
Aufgrund einer Veranstaltung kommt es am 12./13.07. zur kurzeitigen
(WSA Spree-Havel)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01175.0
Aller; warning; blockage
In connection with explosives clearing operation the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 32
· Wednesday 22 May 2024 11:00 until 15:00
Sperrung der Aller, Ortslage Jeversen, wegen einer Kampfmittelbergung unter
Einsatz von Tauchern. Mit Einziehen der Schifffahrtszeichen A.1 (Anlage 7
BinSchStrO) wird die Strecke wieder freigegeben.
– information internet www.elwis.de
(WSA Weser)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01176.0
Weser; announcement; blockage
In connection with building work the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 314.4 tot 327.6
· Monday 27 May 09:00 until Wednesday 29 May 2024 17:00
Sperrung der Stauhaltung Langwedel , ab UVH Schleuse Dörverden bis OVH
Schleuse Langwedel für Arbeiten an der Hochspannungsleitung, Ortslage
gemäß Anordnung im Anhang
– regular duty to report vHF Kanal 60 + 61
– information internet
(WSA Weser)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01180.0
Dortmund-Ems-Kanal; announcement; blockage
In connection with building work the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 170
· Monday 27 May 06:00 until Friday 14 June 2024 15:00
Wegen Sanierungsarbeiten am Mittelbereich der Umgehungsstraßenbrücke Mep8,
DEK-km-170,2 ist die Brückendurchfahrt in der Zeit vom 27.05.2024 bis zum
14.06.2024 für die Schifffahrt gesperrt.

Mit dem Einziehen der Sperrzeichen ist die Durchfahrt wieder freigegeben.
– information internet
(WSA Ems-Nordsee)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01187.0
Mosel; announcement; blockage
In connection with fireworks the following applies:
– Verboden ligplaats te nemen Mosel
· Sunday 25 August 2024 21:45 until 22:45
– Blockage Mosel
· Sunday 25 August 2024 21:45 until 22:45
Sperre wegen eines Feuerwerks.
– information internet
(WSA Mosel-Saar-Lahn)

Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.2024.01191.0
Saar; announcement; blockage
In connection with high water the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 0 tot 94
· Tuesday 21 May 00:00 until Monday 27 May 2024 15:00
Nach Ablaufen des Hochwassers bleibt die SAAR wegen erhöhtem
Treibgutaufkommen, Schifffahrtshindernissen und fehlender
Fahrrinnenrandtonnen, bis auf weiteres gesperrt.
(WSA Mosel-Saar-Lahn)


Service de la Navigation Luxemburg.2024.01199.0
Mosel; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 234 tot 235
· Sunday 30 June 2024 06:00 until 12:00
– information internet
(Service de la Navigation Luxemburg)

Water Management Centre the Netherlands, Water Office

For more information visit <www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/>
www.vaarweginformatie.nl or call Rijkswaterstaat’s information line on phone
number +31 (0)800-8002 (seven days a week, monday till friday from
07:00-20:00 and saturday, sunday and holidays from 10:00 – 18:30).
You can also submit your question, complaint or idea to us by e-mail by
<www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/#/frp/main/page/contact> this

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no liability for damage of whatever nature that is related to the risks
associated with the electronic transmission of messages.

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