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Avis à la batellerie Flandre

TR: [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-flandre] 20230227_NtS message 2023/0382/00 was published

De : noreply@visuris.be <noreply@visuris.be>
Envoyé : lundi 27 février 2023 09:38
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-flandre] 20230227_NtS message
2023/0382/00 was published


The NtS message 2023/0382/00 was published.

Kind regards,
The VisuRIS team
You receive this message because you are subscribed to the mailing list
‘Scheepvaartberichten’ on the ‘VisuRIS’ web application.


urgent fairway message, published by De Vlaamse Waterweg nv on 27/02/2023,

Valid from 03/03/2023 to 14/03/2023

For Fairway Ringvaart om Gent, km 2,8 to km 0,1 is valid
* on 03/03/2023, from 08:00 o’clock to 10:00 o’clock the following
* Blockage
* from 06/03/2023 22:00 o’clock to 07/03/2023 02:00 o’clock the
following limitation:
* Blockage
* on 10/03/2023, from 08:00 o’clock to 10:00 o’clock the following
* Blockage
* from 13/03/2023 22:00 o’clock to 14/03/2023 02:00 o’clock the
following limitation:
* Blockage

For Fairway Ringvaart om Gent, km 2,8 to km 2,4 is valid
* on 04/03/2023, from 07:00 o’clock to 13:00 o’clock the following
* Blockage
* on 11/03/2023, from 07:00 o’clock to 13:00 o’clock the following
* Blockage

Additional information (Dutch):
Omwille van 2 buitenmaatse transporten met brugdelen zullen op de Ringvaart
om Gent, Noordervak en ter hoogte van de wachthaven Evergem (Durmakker)
bovenstaande beperkingen gelden. De transporten worden uitgevoerd door
duwboot BO-JO, met assistentie van HENDRIK

Source: FTM/BE/De Vlaamse Waterweg nv/2023/0382/00


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