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Avis a la batellerie Pays-Bas

TR: [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas] 20240613_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 13-06-2024

De : noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl <noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl>
Envoyé : jeudi 13 juin 2024 12:17
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas]
20240613_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 13-06-2024

Voor schade en/of ongemak van onjuistheid of onvolledigheid in deze
berichtgeving kan door Rijkswaterstaat geen verantwoordelijkheid worden



Eemskanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Driebondsbrug
· Thursday 13 June 2024 07:34 until further notice
(Noord Nederland , District Oost , CMIJ , 13-06-2024)


Scharsterrijn of Nieuwe Rijn; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Scharsterrijnbrug
· Thursday 6 June 08:00 until Friday 14 June 2024
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 2024/024 , 12-06-2024)

Sylster Ryd – Prinses Margrietkanaal; announcement; delay
In connection with inspection the following applies:
– Delay maximum 1 h Sylsterryd brêge (Zijlsterrydbrug)
· Thursday 13 June 2024 13:30 until 16:30
– Delay maximum 1 h Fonejachtbrug
· Thursday 13 June 2024 07:00 until 16:30
(Noord Nederland , District West , 2024/049 , 12-06-2024)

Dokkumer-Grootdiep; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Engwierumerbrug
· Thursday 13 June 2024 09:00 until 11:00
· Friday 14 June 2024 09:00 until 11:00
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 12-06-2024)


Havenkanaal naar Assen – Haven van Assen; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Havenkanaal vanaf Enkeerdbrug
· Wednesday 12 June 13:00 until Thursday 13 June 2024
De (opruim)werkzaamheden zullen tot 13 juni in de middag duren
(Assen , 12-06-2024)


Kanaal Zutphen-Enschede; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Delden
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 17:04 until 18:35
(Oost Nederland , District Oost , 12-06-2024)


Krabbersgat; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Krabbersgatsluis
· Tuesday 11 June 2024 11:35 until 13:50
– Blockage Krabbersgatsluis
· Tuesday 11 June 22:05 until Wednesday 12 June 2024 23:24
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 12-06-2024)


Gekanaliseerde Hollandsche IJssel; announcement; changed service
In connection with work the following applies:
– Changed service Ophaalbrug Haastrecht
· Monday 10 June until Thursday 31 October 2024 Daily 09:00 until 20:30
Haastrecht brug wordt bedient op bloktijden om: 09:00 u: 11:00 u: 13:00 u:
15:00 u
Om 18:30 u: 20:30 u
(Nieuwegein , 13-06-2024)


Afgesloten-IJ, Binnen-IJ of IJ; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with weer condities the following applies:
– No service Haven Amsterdam
· Monday 10 June 2024 16:55 until 20:00
(Waternet , WS Amstel, Gooi en Vecht , 13-06-2024)

Nieuwe Herengracht; announcement; no service
In connection with calamity the following applies:
– No service Hortusbrug (Brug 239)
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 11:35 until 17:42
(Waternet , WS Amstel, Gooi en Vecht , 12-06-2024)

Ringvaart van de Haarlemmermeerpolder (westelijk gedeelte); announcement; no
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Ringvaartspoorbrug (Kaagbrug)
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 19:45 until 21:30
(Noord-Holland , 12-06-2024)

Amstel; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug Ouderkerk aan de Amstel (in de N522)
· Thursday 13 June 2024 10:59 until 11:18
(Waternet , WS Amstel, Gooi en Vecht , 13-06-2024)


Haringvliet; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Haringvlietbrug
· Monday 10 June 14:09 until Wednesday 12 June 2024 21:30
Verwachte oplostijd 12 juni 2024 19:00 uur.
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , CA Volkeraksluizen , 12-06-2024)

Merwedekanaal (bezuiden de Lek); notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Spoorbrug Arkel
· Tuesday 11 June 10:45 until Wednesday 12 June 2024 16:00
(Zuid-Holland , Prorail , 13-06-2024)

Haringvliet; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Haringvlietbrug
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 11:19 until 15:25
dubbele berichtgeving.
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Volkeraksluizen , 12-06-2024)


Kanaal door Zuid-Beveland – Noorder Voorhaven, Kanaal door Zuid-Beveland;
announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Vlakespoorbrug
· Thursday 13 June 2024 09:14 until further notice
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Topshuis , 13-06-2024)


Voorhavens Volkeraksluizen; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Middenkolk Volkeraksluizen
· Saturday 8 June 07:12 until Monday 10 June 2024 12:50
(West Nederland Zuid , District Zuid , 12-06-2024)

Omleiding te Helmond, Zuid-Willemsvaart; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Helmond
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 10:28 until 12:28
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BCT , 12-06-2024)

Wilhelminakanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis I
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 20:45 until 20:48
(Zuid Nederland , District West , 12-06-2024)

Wilhelminakanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Doorvaartopening (beweegbaar) brug Waalstraat
· Thursday 13 June 2024 11:48 until further notice
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BC Tilburg , 13-06-2024)


Port de Bruxelles – Haven van Brussel.2024.00026.2
Canal maritime Bruxelles-Escaut / Zeekanaal Brussel-Schelde; announcement;
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Pont de Buda / Budabrug
· Monday 3 June 06:00 until Saturday 8 June 2024 18:00
Van maandag 03/06/2024 (06h00) t.e.m. zaterdag 08/06/2024 (18:00) zullen de
herstellingswerken van de Budabrug uitgevoerd worden. Het mobiele brugdek
zal met pontons worden ingevaren, teruggeplaatst en getest worden. De
scheepvaart zal volledig gestremd zijn aan de Budabrug.

(Port de Bruxelles – Haven van Brussel)


De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01022.3
Albertkanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Kwaadmechelen middensas
· Monday 27 May 07:00 until Tuesday 4 June 2024 14:29
Herstelling afwaartse deur middensluis
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01110.1
Ringvaart om Gent; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Grote sluis te Evergem kolk
· Friday 31 May 2024 08:00 until 16:00
· Monday 10 June 2024 08:00 until 16:00
Wegens werkzaamheden aan de Grote Sluis is deze gestremd, de Kleine Sluis is
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01140.1
Zeekanaal Brussel-Schelde; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Zeekanaal Brussel-Schelde
· Monday 3 June 06:00 until Friday 7 June 2024 17:31
Werken aan Humbeekbrug. Door stremming Budabrug, worden deze werkzaamheden
nu uitgevoerd om zo weinig mogelijk hinder te veroorzaken.
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01165.1
Kanaal Dessel-Turnhout-Schoten; announcement; blockage
– Blockage Ophaalbrug 2 Turnhout
· Thursday 16 May 2024 14:00 until 17:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01220.1
Dender; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Wijngaardbrug
· Thursday 6 June 2024 10:00 until 12:00
Wegens herstelwerkzaamheden aan de brug is deze gestremd.
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01227.2
Albertkanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Genk noordersas
· Friday 24 May 09:18 until Monday 27 May 2024 11:46
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01228.2
Albertkanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Wijnegem middensas
· Friday 24 May 09:20 until Tuesday 28 May 2024 14:29
De opgegeven duurtijd van dit incident kan aangepast worden naar aanleiding
van de omstandigheden.
– information telephone 0800 30 440 / +32(0)78 055 440
– information internet www.visuris.be/scheepvaartberichten
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01233.2
Ringvaart om Gent; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis 1 te Merelbeke
· Friday 24 May 17:20 until Monday 27 May 2024 12:10
Door een probleem aan de motor van de afwaartse deur, kan sluis 1 te
Merelbeke tijdelijk niet bediend worden.
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01310.0
Zuid-Willemsvaart; announcement; delay
In connection with dredging the following applies:
– Special caution Zuid-Willemsvaart zuid
· Thursday 6 June 2024 08:00 until 16:00
– Delay Zuid-Willemsvaart zuid
· Thursday 6 June 2024 08:00 until 16:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01316.1
Kanaal Ieper-IJzer; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Boezinge Sas
· Thursday 6 June 2024 13:50 until 17:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01318.4
Albertkanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 129
· Friday 7 June 2024 08:00 until 09:00
– Blockage kmr 129
· Friday 7 June 2024 15:00 until 16:00
– Blockage kmr 129
· Saturday 8 June 2024 08:00 until 09:00
– Blockage kmr 129
· Monday 10 June 2024 15:00 until 16:00
– Blockage kmr 129
· Tuesday 11 June 2024 15:00 until 16:00
– Blockage kmr 129
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 08:00 until 09:00
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 15:00 until 16:00
Plaatsing pontons ikv Oosterweelwerken
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01328.1
Ringvaart om Gent; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis 1 te Merelbeke
· Saturday 8 June 2024 06:30 until 07:37
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01345.0
Albertkanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 18.7 tot 19.6
· Saturday 27 July 2024 18:00 until 18:15
· Sunday 28 July 2024 10:00 until 10:45
– No mooring kmr 17.0 tot 18.8
· Saturday 27 July 09:00 until Sunday 28 July 2024 18:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01347.1
Ringvaart om Gent; notice withdrawn; blockage
– Blockage Boven-Schelde doortocht Gent
· Tuesday 11 June 2024 21:20 until 21:35
Reddingsactie Drenkeling in het water
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01348.2
Ringvaart om Gent; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluizen te Merelbeke
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 07:44 until 11:08
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01349.1
Rupel; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Baanbrug Boom
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 10:20 until 14:27
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01350.1
Kanaal Dessel-Turnhout-Schoten; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 3 Brecht kolk
· Wednesday 12 June 2024 10:45 until 11:42
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01351.0
Boven-Zeeschelde; announcement; no service
– No service Spoorbrug Temse
· Thursday 13 June 23:30 until Friday 14 June 2024 04:30
werken infrabel
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01352.0
Leie; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Budabrug
· Thursday 20 June 2024 07:00 until 17:00
Wegens onderhoudswerken zal de brug niet bediend worden, onderdoorvaart is
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01353.1
Albertkanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with hindernis the following applies:
– Blockage Brug Wijnegem Middensluis
· Wednesday 12 June 17:40 until Thursday 13 June 2024 12:00
– Blockage Brug Wijnegem Noordersluis
· Wednesday 12 June 17:40 until Thursday 13 June 2024 12:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01354.1
Doortocht Gent; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Muidebrug
· Wednesday 12 June 18:30 until Thursday 13 June 2024 07:26
– information telephone 0800 30 440 / +32(0)78 055 440
– information internet www.visuris.be/scheepvaartberichten
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01356.1
Ringvaart om Gent; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis 2 te Merelbeke
· Thursday 13 June 2024 08:00 until 09:28
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01357.0
Grensleie; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Nieuwe stuwsluis te Menen
· Thursday 13 June 2024 08:45 until 12:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)


Donau; announcement; partial obstruction
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Partial obstruction Abwinden-Asten, rechte Kammer
· Thursday 23 May 16:00 until Monday 27 May 2024 17:00
Aufgrund eines technischen Gebrechens, ist die rechte Kammer der Schleuse
Abwinden eingeschränkt und nur für die Bergfahrt benutzbar. Dauer bis
Montag, 27.05.2024, 17:00 Uhr.


Bassin de la Seine

Seine; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 8 Evry 172 mtr kolk
· Monday 13 May 06:00 until Monday 15 July 2024 20:00
(Bassin de la Seine , UTI Seine-Amont , 2024/04341 , 13-06-2024)

Seine; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 8 Evry – Passe de 180m (côté terre)
· Monday 10 June 2024 09:20 until further notice
(Bassin de la Seine , UTI Seine-Amont , 2024/04284 , 13-06-2024)

Canal latéral à l’Oise; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 27,741 (pont RD66)
· Wednesday 10 July 2024 10:00 until 12:00
(Bassin de la Seine , UTI Seine-Nord , 2024/04342 , 13-06-2024)


Canal latéral à la Garonne; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 19 Castelsarrasin
· Thursday 20 June 2024 09:00 until 12:00
(Sud-Ouest , Subdivision Tarn-et-Garonne , 2024/04317 , 13-06-2024)

Water Management Centre the Netherlands, Water Office

For more information visit <www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/>
www.vaarweginformatie.nl or call Rijkswaterstaat’s information line on phone
number +31 (0)800-8002 (seven days a week, monday till friday from
07:00-20:00 and saturday, sunday and holidays from 10:00 – 18:30).
You can also submit your question, complaint or idea to us by e-mail by
<www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/#/frp/main/page/contact> this

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