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Avis a la batellerie Pays-Bas

TR: [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas] 20240617_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 17-06-2024

De : noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl <noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl>
Envoyé : lundi 17 juin 2024 12:16
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas]
20240617_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 17-06-2024

Voor schade en/of ongemak van onjuistheid of onvolledigheid in deze
berichtgeving kan door Rijkswaterstaat geen verantwoordelijkheid worden



Handelshaven Delfzijl; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage Handelshaven te Delfzijl
· Thursday 13 June until Sunday 16 June 2024 16:35
De vaarweggebruiker kan zich informeren bij de havendienst Delfzijl.
– information telephone 0596-640477
– information vHF 66
(Groningen Seaports , 17-06-2024)

Zeehavenkanaal Delfzijl; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage Zeehavenkanaal Delfzijl
· Sunday 16 June 2024 15:00 until 16:35
– information telephone 0596-640477
(Groningen Seaports , 16-06-2024)


Stropersgat; notice withdrawn; special caution
In connection with floating material the following applies:
– Special caution Waddenzee; Balgzand
· Tuesday 2 April until Friday 14 June 2024 13:26
Ten behoeve van vogelonderzoek is er een meetconstructie (ontvangststeiger)
geplaatst in positie 52-56,562’ N – 004-56,622’ O.

De constructie is voorzien van obstakelverlichting met karakter Fl(5)Y.20s.
(Noord Nederland , District West , 2024/009 , 14-06-2024)

Eemskanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage all directions commercial vessels Grote kolk Zeesluis Farmsum
· Sunday 16 June 2024 15:00 until 16:35
Gebruikers van de JPB steiger, Siniat steiger, NAM steiger en of de
Contitank steiger alleen na toestemming van havendienst.
-Er is geen stremming voor recreatievaart.
(Noord Nederland , District Oost , 2024/079 , 16-06-2024)

Zoutkamp naar Friese sluis; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Friesche Sluis Zoutkamp
· Friday 14 June 2024 16:02 until further notice
Zie Rijkswaterstaat.2024.03777.0
(Groningen , Inspectie Scheepvaart , Prov Groningen , 16-06-2024)

Zoutkamp naar Friese sluis; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluiskolk Friesche sluis Zoutkamp
· Saturday 15 June 2024 12:00 until further notice
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 15-06-2024)

Reitdiep; notice withdrawn; delay
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Delay Platvoetbrug
· Sunday 16 June 11:51 until Monday 17 June 2024 11:00
(Groningen , Inspectie Scheepvaart , Prov. Groningen , 17-06-2024)

Vaarwater naar Oostmahorn; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Robbengatsluis
· Monday 17 June 2024 10:55 until further notice
(Groningen , Inspectie Scheepvaart , 17-06-2024)

Noord-Willemskanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Van Ketwich Verschuurbrug
· Thursday 20 until Thursday 27 June 2024
– information vHF 9, CP brugbediening
– information vHF kanaal 9
– information telephone 050-3188500, CP brugbediening
– information telephone 050-3678537, Havenkantoor
(Groningen , 17-06-2024)


Prinses Margrietkanaal; announcement; blockage
– Blockage Brug Schuilenburg south
· Monday 8 July 08:00 until Tuesday 9 July 2024 20:00
– Blockage Brug Schuilenburg north
· Tuesday 9 July 2024 08:00 until 20:00
Scheepvaartbegeleiding aanwezig, marifoon VHF-kanaal 10.
– information vHF VHF 10
(Noord Nederland , District West , 2024/074 , 14-06-2024)

Bolswardervaart; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Spoorbrug Harlingen
· Friday 14 June 2024 10:19 until 13:15
(Port of Harlingen , prorail , 14-06-2024)

Prinses Margrietkanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with weer condities the following applies:
– No service Brug Aldskou (Oudeschouw)
· Saturday 15 June 2024 12:30 until 16:26
(Noord Nederland , District West , CMIJ , 15-06-2024)

Prinses Margrietkanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with weer condities the following applies:
– No service Brug Kootstertille
· Saturday 15 June 13:35 until Sunday 16 June 2024 06:05
(Noord Nederland , District West , 16-06-2024)

Ringvaart – Nieuwe Pompsloot; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Hooivaartbrug
· Saturday 15 June 2024 13:45 until 15:44
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , CMIJ , 15-06-2024)

Prinses Margrietkanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Spoorbrug Grou
· Saturday 15 June 2024 16:20 until further notice
16-06-2024 om 19:30 uur is er eenmalige bediening.
(Noord Nederland , District West , Pro Rail , 16-06-2024)

Prinses Margrietkanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with weer condities the following applies:
– No service Brug Aldskou (Oudeschouw)
· Sunday 16 June 2024 11:51 until 12:48
– No service Brug Aldskou (Oudeschouw)
· Sunday 16 June 2024 13:35 until 14:58
(Noord Nederland , District West , CMIJ , 16-06-2024)

Van Harinxmakanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Spoorbrug HRMK
· Monday 17 June 2024 06:25 until 06:50
– No service Harinxmakanaalspoorbrug (Spoorbrug HRM)
· Monday 17 June 2024 06:25 until 06:50
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , Pro Rail , 17-06-2024)


Havenkanaal naar Assen; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with calamity the following applies:
– Blockage Enkeerdbrug
· Friday 14 June 2024 until 18:00
Stremming duurt waarschijnlijk tot in de middag van 15 juni 2024.
(Assen , 15-06-2024)


Zwolle-IJsselkanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with inspection the following applies:
– Blockage Spooldersluis/brug
· Monday 24 June 22:00 until Wednesday 26 June 2024 17:00
· Monday 16 September 22:00 until Friday 20 September 2024 06:00
(Oost Nederland , District Noord , 2023/03E , 14-06-2024)


Geldersche IJssel; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service IJsselspoorbrug Zutphen
· Saturday 15 June 2024 06:25 until 13:15
– information telephone 0313472570, Sluiswachter
– information vHF 20, BP Sluis Doesburg
(Rijn en IJssel , District Oost , 15-06-2024)

Kanaal Zutphen-Enschede; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with others the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Eefde
· Saturday 15 June 2024 16:25 until 17:10
(Oost Nederland , District Oost , CMIJ , 15-06-2024)


Vaarweg van Enkhuizen naar Den Oever; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug in de A7 Den Oever
· Sunday 16 June 2024 17:02 until 18:25
(Midden Nederland , District Noord , CMIJ , 16-06-2024)


Lekkanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Westkolk Prinses Beatrixsluizen
· Monday 17 June 2024 07:30 until 09:30
(Midden Nederland , District Zuid , 17-06-2024)


Noordhollandsch Kanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug over binnenhoofd Sluisbrug Purmerend
· Tuesday 14 May 2024 16:29 until 18:11
(Noord-Holland , 15-06-2024)

Noordhollandsch Kanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Doorvaartopening (beweegbaar) Sint Maartensvlotbrug
· Friday 14 June 2024 07:04 until 19:41
(Noord-Holland , 15-06-2024)

Schinkel; announcement; no service
In connection with work the following applies:
– No service Schinkelspoorbrug (Brug 83)
· Tuesday 17 September 2024 01:20 until 05:15
(Waternet , WS Amstel, Gooi en Vecht , Waternet , 14-06-2024)

Wim Thomassenhaven; announcement; special caution
In connection with work the following applies:
– Special caution Gerrit Bolkade
· Monday 17 June 07:00 until Wednesday 19 June 2024 17:00
(Zaanstad , 14-06-2024)


Heimans- en Woudwetering; announcement; do not create wash
In connection with work the following applies:
– Do not create wash Gemaal Heimanswetering kmr 10.8
· Monday 24 June 07:00 until Friday 5 July 2024 16:00
– information telephone 070-441 7713
– information vHF 18
(Zuid-Holland , 14-06-2024)

Oude Maas; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with weer condities the following applies:
– No service Verkeersbrug Dordrecht
· Saturday 15 June 2024 07:36 until 23:25
(West Nederland Zuid , District Zuid , RVC , 15-06-2024)

Noord – Beneden-Merwede; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with weer condities the following applies:
– No service Alblasserdamsebrug
· Saturday 15 June 2024 11:44 until 17:15
– No service Merwedebrug Papendrecht
· Saturday 15 June 2024 11:44 until 17:15
(West Nederland Zuid , District Zuid , VP Dordrecht , 15-06-2024)


Veerse Meer; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Zandkreeksluis
· Friday 14 June 2024 13:00 until 13:24
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Topshuis , 14-06-2024)


Wilhelminakanaal; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 28.4 tot kmr 32.2
· Saturday 28 September 2024 09:00 until 12:30
· Saturday 28 September 2024 13:00 until 15:30
· Saturday 28 September 2024 16:00 until 19:00
· Sunday 29 September 2024 07:00 until 10:00
· Sunday 29 September 2024 10:30 until 12:30
· Sunday 29 September 2024 13:00 until 15:30
· Sunday 29 September 2024 16:00 until 19:00
· Saturday 5 October 2024 09:00 until 13:00
· Saturday 5 October 2024 14:00 until 16:00
· Sunday 6 October 2024 10:00 until 12:30
· Sunday 6 October 2024 13:30 until 15:00
(Zuid Nederland , District West , 15-06-2024)

Wilhelminakanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with event the following applies:
– No service Trappistenbrug tot Brug Biesthoutakker
· Saturday 15 June 2024 10:00 until 11:00
· Saturday 15 June 2024 15:00 until 16:30
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , 15-06-2024)

Voorhavens Volkeraksluizen; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug over benedenhoofd Volkeraksluizen
· Saturday 15 June 2024 11:00 until 19:25
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , CMIJ , 15-06-2024)

Wilhelminakanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug Waalstraat
· Saturday 15 June 2024 13:40 until 14:54
(Zuid Nederland , District West , BC Tilburg , 15-06-2024)

Wilhelminakanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis III Tilburg
· Saturday 15 June 2024 14:50 until 17:58
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BC Tilburg , 15-06-2024)

Wilhelminakanaal; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug Heuvel
· Monday 17 June 2024 11:05 until further notice
(Zuid Nederland , District West , BC Tilburg , 17-06-2024)

Zuid-Willemsvaart; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage sluis Schijndel
· Monday 24 until Tuesday 25 June 2024 Daily 08:00 until 12:00
· Monday 24 until Tuesday 25 June 2024 Daily 13:00 until 16:00
Diverse werkzaamheden, gecombineerd met de stremming van Empel.
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , 17-06-2024)


Julianakanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 17 tot kmr 19
· Thursday 13 June 20:00 until Friday 14 June 2024 06:00
Tijdens het uitvoeren van de werkzaamheden – die een tijdsduur hebben van 1
à 2 uur – is scheepvaart niet mogelijk binnen het kanaaltraject km 17.3 – km
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , NC Maasbracht , 14-06-2024)

Zuid-Willemsvaart; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Donksebrug
· Friday 14 June 2024 22:16 until 23:32
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , BC Tilburg , 14-06-2024)

Maas; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Sint Servaasbrug
· Saturday 15 June 2024 12:10 until 15:49
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , Nautische centrum , 15-06-2024)

Verbindingskanaal in het Bosscherveld; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Bosscherveld
· Saturday 15 June 2024 13:52 until 17:32
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , Nautische centrum , 15-06-2024)

Zuid-Willemsvaart; announcement; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Donksebrug
· Saturday 15 June 2024 14:38 until 16:15
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , BC Tilburg , 15-06-2024)

Water Management Centre the Netherlands, Water Office

For more information visit <www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/>
www.vaarweginformatie.nl or call Rijkswaterstaat’s information line on phone
number +31 (0)800-8002 (seven days a week, monday till friday from
07:00-20:00 and saturday, sunday and holidays from 10:00 – 18:30).
You can also submit your question, complaint or idea to us by e-mail by
<www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/#/frp/main/page/contact> this

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