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Avis a la batellerie Pays-Bas

TR: [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas] 20240621_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 21-06-2024

De : noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl <noreply-vaarweginformatie@rws.nl>
Envoyé : vendredi 21 juin 2024 12:17
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [RIVERWIZZ-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas]
20240621_Scheepvaartberichten overzicht 21-06-2024

Voor schade en/of ongemak van onjuistheid of onvolledigheid in deze
berichtgeving kan door Rijkswaterstaat geen verantwoordelijkheid worden



A; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage thv Visserbrug
· Wednesday 3 until Thursday 4 July 2024
– No limitation thv Visserbrug
· Friday 5 until Sunday 7 July 2024
Vanwege het verwijderen van de val van de Visserbrug, gelegen over de A in
de stad Groningen, is het mogelijk 5, 6 en 7 juli gebruik te maken van de
Staande Mast Route door de stad Groningen.
– information vHF 9, CP brugbediening
– information telephone 050-3188500, CP brugbediening
– information telephone 050-3678537, Havenkantoor
(Groningen , 20-06-2024)

Van Starkenborghkanaal; announcement; delay
In connection with work the following applies:
– Delay maximum 0,5 h Gaarkeukensluis
· Thursday 20 June 2024 13:30 until 14:30
(Noord Nederland , District Oost , CMIJ , 20-06-2024)


Prinses Margrietkanaal; announcement; no mooring
In connection with work the following applies:
– No mooring Wachtplaats Schuilenburg oostzijde
· Friday 5 July 08:00 until Wednesday 10 July 2024 08:00
Wachtplaats is gereserveerd voor sleepboten met lege/geladen ponton.
(Noord Nederland , District West , 2024/075a , 20-06-2024)

Terkaplesterpoelen – Akkrumerrak – Meinesloot – Deel – Terhernster Puollen –
Sneekermeer – Heerengat of Heeresloot; announcement; delay
In connection with event the following applies:
– Special caution Terkaplesterpoelen
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Delay Terkaplesterpoelen
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Special caution Akkrumerrak
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Delay Akkrumerrak
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Special caution Meinesloot Deel
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Delay Meinesloot Deel
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Special caution Terhernster Puollen
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Delay Terhernster Puollen
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Special caution Sneekermeer
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Delay Sneekermeer
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Special caution Heerengat of Heeresloot
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
– Delay Heerengat of Heeresloot
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 16:00
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 19-06-2024)

Van Harinxmakanaal; announcement; delay
In connection with work the following applies:
– Delay maximum 0,5 h Stationsbrug Franeker
· Thursday 27 June 2024 10:00 until 14:00
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 20-06-2024)

Scharsterrijn of Nieuwe Rijn; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Delay maximum 1 h Scharsterrijnbrug
· Saturday 22 June 2024 10:00 until 13:00
· Saturday 22 June 2024 19:00 until 20:00
· Sunday 23 June 2024 13:00 until 20:00
– No service Scharsterrijnbrug
· Saturday 22 June 2024 09:00 until 10:00
· Saturday 22 June 2024 13:00 until 19:00
· Sunday 23 June 2024 09:00 until 13:00
– Blockage vast deel Scharsterrijnbrug
· Monday 24 June 08:00 until Wednesday 3 July 2024 17:00
In de periode van maandag 24 juni 2024 08.00 uur tot en met woensdag 3 juli
2024 17.00 uur dient de scheepvaart er rekening mee te houden dat
scheepvaart van beide zijde gebruik moet maken van de beweegbare
doorvaartopening van de brug.
(Fryslan , Provinciale Waterstaat , 20-06-2024)


Kanaal Zutphen-Enschede; announcement; vessel draught
In connection with others the following applies:
– Vessel breadth maximum 975 m kmr 43.9 noordoever
· Wednesday 29 May 2024 until further notice
– Vessel breadth maximum 975 cm kmr 43.9 noordoever
· Wednesday 29 May 2024 until further notice
– Vessel draught maximum 250 cm kmr 43.9 noordoever
· Wednesday 29 May 2024 until further notice
– Vessel draught maximum 280 cm all directions loaded vessel kmr 42 tot kmr
· Thursday 6 June 2024 until further notice
(Oost Nederland , District Noord , 2024/28C , 20-06-2024)

Kanaal Zutphen-Enschede; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Delden
· Thursday 20 June 2024 14:35 until 18:10
(Oost Nederland , District Oost , CMIJ , 20-06-2024)


Kanaal van Sint Andries; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis Sint Andries
· Friday 7 June 08:10 until Thursday 20 June 2024 13:50
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , BC Maasbracht , 20-06-2024)

Kanaal Zutphen-Enschede; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Zuidkolk sluis Eefde
· Thursday 20 June 23:00 until Friday 21 June 2024 02:56
(Oost Nederland , District Oost , 2024/50 , 21-06-2024)


Lekkanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Prinses Beatrixsluizen west
· Friday 21 June 2024 03:02 until 03:23
(Midden Nederland , District Zuid , VP Wijk bij Duurstede , 21-06-2024)


Gouwe; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Lage Gouwespoorbrug
· Thursday 20 June 2024 10:45 until 14:40
(Zuid-Holland , PRORAIL , 20-06-2024)


Everingen; announcement; no limitation
In connection with gewijzigde markering the following applies:
– No limitation Everingen
· Thursday 20 June 2024 until further notice
Tijdelijk Verleggen:
Noord-cardinale boei E-ZE naar positie
51° 22,574 N – 003° 48,269 E
Zo spoedig mogelijk na afloop van de werkzaamheden, doch uiterlijk in week
28- 2024, zal de boei weer teruggeplaatst worden naar de originele positie.
(Zee en Delta , District Zuid , 2024/52-365 , 20-06-2024)

Voorhavens Kreekraksluizen, Schelde-Rijnverbinding; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Oostkolk Kreekraksluis
· Monday 5 August 07:00 until Friday 27 September 2024 17:00
Recreatievaart wordt geadviseerd om gedurende de stremmingsperiode de
Kreekraksluizen zo veel
mogelijk te vermijden i.v.m. drukte wachttijden beroepsvaart.
– information vHF 20, Kreekraksluizen
– information telephone 0887974700
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , 2024/065 , 20-06-2024)

Jachtsluizen Krammer; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Noordkolk Krammerjachtensluis
· Thursday 20 June 2024 13:52 until further notice
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Topshuis , 20-06-2024)

Noorder Voorhaven, Kanaal door Zuid-Beveland – Zuider Voorhaven, Kanaal door
Zuid-Beveland; announcement; blockage
In connection with work the following applies:
– Blockage Oostkolk sluis Hansweert
· Monday 1 until Thursday 4 July 2024 Daily 07:00 until 17:00
– Blockage Westkolk sluis Hansweert
· Monday 8 until Thursday 11 July 2024 Daily 07:00 until 17:00
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , 2024/064 , 20-06-2024)

Veerse Meer; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Zandkreeksluis
· Friday 21 June 2024 04:30 until 05:25
(Zee en Delta , District Noord , Topshuis , 21-06-2024)


Wilhelminakanaal; notice withdrawn; no service
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Brug Waalstraat
· Wednesday 19 June 11:15 until Thursday 20 June 2024 09:30
· Thursday 20 June 2024 11:08 until 18:45
(Zuid Nederland , District West , BC Tilburg , 20-06-2024)


Markkanaal; notice withdrawn; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Marksluis
· Thursday 20 June 2024 10:08 until 11:56
(Zuid Nederland , District Zuid Oost , BCT , 20-06-2024)

Julianakanaal – Maas; announcement; special caution
In connection with work the following applies:
– Special caution t.h.v. Echt
· Monday 24 June until Friday 5 July 2024
I.v.m. meting met behulp van een vaartuig.
(Zuid Nederland , District Midden , 20-06-2024)



De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01279.1
Kanaal Dessel-Turnhout-Schoten; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage Ophaalbrug 1 Turnhout
· Thursday 24 October 2024 14:20 until 15:20
– Blockage Ophaalbrug 2 Turnhout
· Thursday 24 October 2024 14:00 until 14:45
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01419.0
Leie; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– No service Tolpoortbrug
· Thursday 20 June 2024 14:40 until 19:00
– Blockage Brielpoortbrug
· Thursday 20 June 2024 14:40 until 19:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01420.0
Kanaal Bossuit-Kortrijk; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Nieuwe sluis te Zwevegem
· Thursday 20 June 2024 14:40 until 17:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)

De Vlaamse Waterweg nv.2024.01421.0
Ringvaart om Gent; announcement; blockage
In connection with repair the following applies:
– Blockage Sluis 1 te Merelbeke
· Thursday 20 June 2024 14:45 until 18:00
(De Vlaamse Waterweg nv)


Kanaal Nimy-Blaton-Peronnes; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 0.3
· Saturday 29 June 2024 13:00 until 18:30
· Sunday 30 June 2024 09:00 until 18:30
(Voies hydrauliques Wallonie , 2024/324 , 21-06-2024)


Centre Bourgogne

Canal latéral à la Loire; announcement; blockage
In connection with others the following applies:
– Blockage sluis 24 Laubray tot sluis 21-22 Guétin
· Thursday 20 June 09:30 until Friday 21 June 2024 19:00
(Centre Bourgogne , – , 2024/04622 , 20-06-2024)

Rhone Saone

Saône; announcement; blockage
In connection with event the following applies:
– Blockage kmr 3.5 tot 6.5
· Saturday 29 June 21:30 until Sunday 30 June 2024 01:30
(Rhone Saone , UTI Petite Saone , 2024/04489 , 20-06-2024)

Water Management Centre the Netherlands, Water Office

For more information visit <www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/>
www.vaarweginformatie.nl or call Rijkswaterstaat’s information line on phone
number +31 (0)800-8002 (seven days a week, monday till friday from
07:00-20:00 and saturday, sunday and holidays from 10:00 – 18:30).
You can also submit your question, complaint or idea to us by e-mail by
<www.vaarweginformatie.nl/frp/main/#/frp/main/page/contact> this

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