Query: SELECT option_value FROM mod158_options WHERE option_name = 'wpb_js_use_custom' LIMIT 1

Query: SELECT  t.*, tt.* FROM mod158_terms AS t  INNER JOIN mod158_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('wp_theme') AND t.name IN ('socialize-child')  
Query: SELECT   mod158_posts.* FROM mod158_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND mod158_posts.post_name IN ('single-post-tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_ris-nachricht-1335-2021-neue-ris-nachricht-wesel-datteln-kanal-17-17-5-aug-2021-0600-uhr-bis-6-au','single-post','single') AND ( 
  0 = 1
) AND mod158_posts.post_type = 'wp_template' AND ((mod158_posts.post_status = 'publish')) GROUP BY mod158_posts.ID ORDER BY mod158_posts.post_date DESC 
Query: SELECT option_value FROM mod158_options WHERE option_name = 'tribe_customizer' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT option_value FROM mod158_options WHERE option_name = 'tribe_events_pro_customizer' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_users WHERE ID = '1512' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM mod158_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (1512) ORDER BY umeta_id ASC
Query: SELECT * FROM `mod158_yoast_indexable` WHERE `object_id` = '91170' AND `object_type` = 'post' LIMIT 1
TR: [avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne] 20210628_ [avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne] 20210628_RIS Nachricht 1335/2021 (neue RIS Nachricht): Wesel-Datteln-Kanal (1,7-1,7) 5. Aug. 2021 06:00 Uhr bis 6. Aug. 2021 14:00 Uhr - Riverwizz
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_users WHERE user_nicename = 'elwis.de' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_users WHERE user_nicename = 'gmail.com' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM `mod158_yoast_indexable` WHERE `object_type` = 'home-page' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM `mod158_yoast_indexable` WHERE `object_id` = '2893' AND `object_type` = 'post' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT `ancestor_id` FROM `mod158_yoast_indexable_hierarchy` WHERE `indexable_id` = '74674' ORDER BY `depth` DESC
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_posts WHERE ID = 3547 LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT   mod158_posts.* FROM mod158_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND mod158_posts.post_name = 'tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_ris-nachricht-1335-2021-neue-ris-nachricht-wesel-datteln-kanal-17-17-5-aug-2021-0600-uhr-bis-6-au' AND mod158_posts.post_type = 'post'  ORDER BY mod158_posts.post_date DESC 
Query: SELECT   mod158_posts.* FROM mod158_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND mod158_posts.post_name = 'tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_ris-nachricht-1335-2021-neue-ris-nachricht-wesel-datteln-kanal-17-17-5-aug-2021-0600-uhr-bis-6-au' AND mod158_posts.post_type = 'post'  ORDER BY mod158_posts.post_date DESC 
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_posts WHERE ID = 36 LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM mod158_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (36) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Query: SELECT option_value FROM mod158_options WHERE option_name = 'site_logo' LIMIT 1 class="bp-legacy post-template-default single single-post postid-91170 single-format-standard theme-socialize woocommerce-no-js tribe-no-js gp-theme gp-responsive gp-boxed-layout gp-no-retina gp-normal-scrolling gp-no-back-to-top gp-relative-header gp-header-centered gp-cart-all gp-search-disabled gp-profile-disabled gp-no-small-header gp-standard-page-header gp-right-sidebar gp-sticky-sidebars wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6.8.0 vc_responsive no-js">
Query: SELECT   mod158_posts.* FROM mod158_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND mod158_posts.post_name = 'tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne-20210628_ris-nachricht-1335-2021-neue-ris-nachricht-wesel-datteln-kanal-17-17-5-aug-2021-0600-uhr-bis-6-au' AND mod158_posts.post_type = 'post'  ORDER BY mod158_posts.post_date DESC 
Query: SELECT p.ID FROM mod158_posts AS p  WHERE p.post_date < '2021-06-28 11:09:33' AND p.post_type = 'post'  AND p.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_posts WHERE ID = 91168 LIMIT 1
		SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_type
		FROM mod158_posts
		WHERE post_name IN ('tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas-20210628_waterstanden-aanvulling-28-06-2021')
		AND post_type IN ('page','attachment')
Query: SELECT   mod158_posts.* FROM mod158_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND mod158_posts.post_name = 'tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-pays-bas-20210628_waterstanden-aanvulling-28-06-2021' AND mod158_posts.post_type = 'post'  ORDER BY mod158_posts.post_date DESC 
Query: SELECT  t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM mod158_terms AS t  INNER JOIN mod158_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN mod158_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') AND tr.object_id IN (91168) ORDER BY t.name ASC 
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM mod158_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (91168) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Query: SELECT p.ID FROM mod158_posts AS p  WHERE p.post_date > '2021-06-28 11:09:33' AND p.post_type = 'post'  AND p.post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY p.post_date ASC LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_posts WHERE ID = 91171 LIMIT 1
		SELECT ID, post_name, post_parent, post_type
		FROM mod158_posts
		WHERE post_name IN ('tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-france-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-france-20210628_avis-la-batellerie-rf-fr-2021-03517-rhne-haut-canal-de-jonage-simple-information')
		AND post_type IN ('page','attachment')
Query: SELECT   mod158_posts.* FROM mod158_posts  WHERE 1=1  AND mod158_posts.post_name = 'tr-avis-a-la-batellerie-france-20210628_-avis-a-la-batellerie-france-20210628_avis-la-batellerie-rf-fr-2021-03517-rhne-haut-canal-de-jonage-simple-information' AND mod158_posts.post_type = 'post'  ORDER BY mod158_posts.post_date DESC 
Query: SELECT  t.*, tt.*, tr.object_id FROM mod158_terms AS t  INNER JOIN mod158_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN mod158_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category', 'post_tag', 'post_format') AND tr.object_id IN (91171) ORDER BY t.name ASC 
Query: SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM mod158_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (91171) ORDER BY meta_id ASC

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Query: SELECT  t.term_id, tt.parent, tt.count, tt.taxonomy FROM mod158_terms AS t  INNER JOIN mod158_term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id INNER JOIN mod158_term_relationships AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE tt.taxonomy IN ('category') AND tr.object_id IN (91170) ORDER BY t.name ASC 
Query: SELECT term_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM mod158_termmeta WHERE term_id IN (235) ORDER BY meta_id ASC
Avis a la batellerie Allemagne

TR: [avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne] 20210628_ [avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne] 20210628_RIS Nachricht 1335/2021 (neue RIS Nachricht): Wesel-Datteln-Kanal (1,7-1,7) 5. Aug. 2021 06:00 Uhr bis 6. Aug. 2021 14:00 Uhr

Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_users WHERE user_nicename = 'elwis.de' LIMIT 1
Query: SELECT * FROM mod158_users WHERE user_nicename = 'gmail.com' LIMIT 1

—–Message d’origine—–
De : abo@elwis.de <abo@elwis.de>
Envoyé : lundi 28 juin 2021 09:24
À : avisbfrance@gmail.com
Objet : [avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne] 20210628_
[avis-a-la-batellerie-allemagne] 20210628_RIS Nachricht 1335/2021 (neue RIS
Nachricht): Wesel-Datteln-Kanal (1,7-1,7) 5. Aug. 2021 06:00 Uhr bis 6. Aug.
2021 14:00 Uhr

Nachricht für die Binnenschifffahrt

Es liegt eine neue RIS Nachricht für Deutschland vor, die von der
Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes durch die/das WSA
Westdeutsche Kanäle am 18. Jun. 2021 herausgegeben wurde.
Die wasserstraßen- und verkehrsbezogene Nachricht Nr. 1335/2021:

Titel: Betrieb eingeschränkt wegen Arbeiten unter Wasser:
teilweise Sperre
Veröffentlicht als: Anordnung
Betreff: Betrieb eingeschränkt
Grund: Arbeiten unter Wasser
Betreff gültig von: 5. Aug. 2021 06:00 Uhr Betreff gültig bis: 6. Aug. 2021
14:00 Uhr
Wasserstraße: Wesel-Datteln-Kanal
km von: 1,7 (51° 37.728′ N 6° 36.895′ E)
km bis: 1,7 (51° 37.728′ N 6° 36.895′ E)
Örtlichkeit: Schleuse Friedrichsfeld große Kammer

Einschränkung: teilweise Sperre
Zielgruppe: alle
Richtung: alle Richtungen
Betroffener Bereich: ganz
gültig von: 5. Aug. 2021 06:00 Uhr
gültig bis: 6. Aug. 2021 14:00 Uhr

Zusätzliche Informationen
Wegen Arbeiten an der Sohlensicherung ist die große Kammer der Schleuse Fr.
Feld von Donnerstag den, 05.08.2021 ab 06:00 Uhr bis Freitag den, 06.08.2021
ca. 14:00 Uhr für die Schifffahrt gesperrt.

Diese Nachricht in ELWIS:

Diese Nachricht auf der ELWIS Karte:
Es kann bis zu 30 Minuten nach der Veröffentlichung einer neuen/geänderten
Nachricht dauern, bis diese auf der ELWIS-Karte angezeigt wird.

Dies ist ein kostenfreier Service der Wasserstraßen- und
Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes.
Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt ohne Gewähr, es gilt der Haftungsausschluss von

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Query: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS mod158_comments.comment_ID FROM mod158_comments  WHERE ( comment_approved = '1' ) AND comment_post_ID = 91170 AND  comment_type != 'order_note'  AND  comment_type != 'webhook_delivery'   ORDER BY mod158_comments.comment_date_gmt ASC, mod158_comments.comment_ID ASC 
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